Thursday, December 10, 2009


This blog may not make sense to everyone, but to some I know it will hit home. I just felt like writing with some random thoughts.

I am so glad I grew up in Alabama. I've lived in Kentucky, Tennessee, and spent summers in Savannah, GA. All those places were great, but as the famous song goes, my home's in Alabama. One of the few stories I know about my father's time in the war is when he heard "my home's in alabama." He told me how it made him homesick. I know that feeling. When I played football at tiny Maryville College in Maryville, TN. I longed to be home in Bama. I love to tell the story about coming home for the summer, from Maryville, and I pulled off at the first rest stop inside the state. I could literally SMELL that I was in Bama. It's just such a great place to be. Saturday's in the fall consist of the voice of Eli in my household. I know that when I hear his voice, it's football season. During the summer while I'm cutting the grass, and I think I'm gonna die from the heat, I know I'm in Bama. I know the beaches, the flatlands and suffocating heat of Montgomery, and now the mountains of the northeast part of the state. Every time we have a Noah and the flood like rain, I just smile and say, that's Alabama for you.
It's a state made up of the nicest people I've ever met, Christianity still means something, football is king, and on those late summer nights, the sound of the frogs and crickets in the distance sounds like a symphony. No other place would I ever want to live!!!
We've got country music, bustling cities like B'ham and Mobile, and the friendliness and understanding among strangers of what it means to be from Alabama.

We may be rednecks, mountain folks, or immature football fans, but I don't know too many people who move away.

I know it's random, but tonight I heard the frogs and crickets, (a very rare occasion during the winter), and started thinking of my life in the shadows of the Appalachian Mts. and the old times watching the sunset on Mobile Bay. Thank you Lord for Alabama.

My Home's In Alabama.....and always will be.

Roll Tide


Monday, November 23, 2009


I write this somewhat in response to my last blog. I've had some people worried about me because of what I wrote over the weekend. To settle this issue, I'm fine.

I decided, however, to write a positive blog this week.

You never know how you treat people will come back to help you, or haunt you for that matter.
I have a friend who I haven't seen in 15 years, however he recently vouched for me. You know who you are by the way. To my knowledge I never did anything special for this person, besides being myself and being a good friend. However, now this friend may turn out to be someone who helps me improve my family situation immensely. Again, to my knowledge, I never did anything special for this person, but he vouched for me and spoke highly of me. It got me to thinking about how we treat people everyday. What may be small to you may be huge to someone else. I've decided to continue to trust others and treat others as I would have them treat me. The Golden Rule if you will.

To my friend, I want to say thank you. Not only have you helped me out in several ways, but you also renewed my faith in others. Thank you.

Just remember folks, God puts people in our lives for a reason. We should always be mindful of how we treat others.

Roll Tide and How Bout Them Cowboys!!!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Hard Lesson Learned

This blog is mainly to vent. I've been told from time to time by my mother and wife that I need to trust people more than I do. I remember my mom telling my wife, when we were dating, to be patient.....that I kept people at arm's length. That used to be true. I took it upon myself to not be so distrusting of people and I let my guard down. Boy was I wrong.

I allowed myself to be friends with people that I normally would have not given a glance to. I know that sounds snobby, but it's always been a protection mechanism for me. I have recently had my niceness, or really naievety, taken advantage of. The knife wound in my back is deep and fresh.

So what do I do? The people that take the time to read this are friends of mine. So, I would like some feedback. Do I continue to trust others, or go back to the attitude of "me, myself and I"? That obviously excludes family members. I know that certain people take my kindness for weakness, but that is about to change. It's just a little disheartening to know that when I give people a chance they screw me. I think I'm going back to my old ways, unless someone can convince me otherwise. I was always fine keeping my guard up. Ever since I've let my guard down, I've had headaches.

As a strongwilled conservative, which has nothing to do with what I'm griping about, I realize that I don't fit in well with most people out there......and that's fine with me. BUT, I will no longer be taken advantage of.

On a lighter note, Bama should handle Auburn.....I hope. I'm picking UF over Bama b/c I believe that until someone beats the Champion, they are the favorites. Should be a heckuva game. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Sorry, that feels good considering so many pantywastes out there are afraid to say Merry Christmas for fear of offending someone. What losers they are.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Sobering Thought

Hello all! I hope life is treating all of you well during this wonderful fall season we're experiencing. The weather is great, and Huntsville, Alabama has some of the most wonderful colors and scenes anyone could hope to see. I truly hope everyone is doing well.

My blog tonight is a bit of a "debbie downer", but I like to share with others whenever I have a personal revelation. In the last 24 hours, I've learned of a family who has suffered an absolute tragic loss by losing a young child. Without going into details, it's a loss that is just completely unexpected and uncalled for. On top of that, I read an excerpt from my father's writing about his time in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm in the early '90's. I'll never forget the day my father picked me up from school, unexpectedly, and informed me he was going off to war. My heart sank as I immediately began to worry about his safety. I can remember the night the war actually started. I was in 9th grade, supposed to be doing homework, my mother was working night shift at the hospital and I was home alone. I remember listening to Wolf Blitzer on CNN broadcasting live from a hotel lobby that was in the middle of the fight. I was scared out of my mind!! Where was my father? I hope he's okay! Back then we didn't have e-mail.....a letter took 3-4 weeks to travel overseas from Saudi Arabia to Mobile, Alabama. When he left America he was taller than me. When he got home, I was taller than him. Alot happened during those months he was gone, but thank God I always knew he loved me.

That leads me back to the unfortunate passing of a child. I knew my dad loved me no matter what may have happened while he was in the war. And I know this child knew his family loved him. BUT, can we ever love our kids too much??? Can we ever let them know enough how much we love them????? I say no. My day started at 6am this morning and finished at 8:30pm. I was doing reports until that time. However, I took a full hour to let my boys jump on me, beat me up, kick me in the head, slobber on get the point. I'm not bragging or anything like that. I know most of you who take the time to read this stuff do the same thing. My point is to never let up. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR KIDS KNOW HOW MUCH THEY ARE LOVED. You can NEVER overdo it. They watch our every moves and worship the ground we walk on. Also, for those who have older children, make sure they talk to you. If they're having trouble at school or with some so called "friends", find out what they're dealing with and let them know you're there for them. You may think this is coming out of left field, but trust me, I don't think anything I've said can be overstated.

It's 11:35pm and when I go to bed in a second, my 4 year old is going to roll over and basically sleep on top of me the rest of the night. (I know Iknow, he needs to be in his own bed......but we're going through being scared of monsters and I'm a softy.) I hope he understands how much he is loved.........thank you God for such wonderful gifts!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Let's talk some football

Hello all,
It's been a while since I've written, mainly because I had to "push away from the bar" with some of my "angry conservative" rants for a while. No matter how passionate you may be about something, it's never good to let it consume you. So, since I live by the motto of "everything in moderation", I've taken a break. HOWEVER, college football is just something that I'm incapable of doing in moderation. My wife and I have an agreement that I suffer through all her miserable reality shows.....So You Think You Can Dance, Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami, etc.., and on Saturdays and Sundays, it's football all day baby!!

So here are my thoughts about the state of college football. Now remember, I am an insane Bama fan, but I try my best to be objective and look at things how they are and not how I wish they were.

Florida: I still contend that until someone beats them, they are the best team out there. They have shown this year to be human, yes even Superman, cram him down our throats, way awkward sideline moments with head coach, Tim Tebow is human. That concussion was nasty!! When I played football I had 2 concussions that I know of, and they were nowhere near as bad as the one Tebow had. I sat out 2 weeks before I could even dream of hitting someone. I believe that technically, Tebow was okay to play. However, we all know that Meyer's bread and butter is Tebow, and I think he really gambled by putting Superman on the field against LSU. Anyway, I always thought that as long as Superman was there, and the fact that they had a stable of supersonic fast people, that Florida had the makings of one of the best teams of all time. I believe I was wrong. Defensive coordinators have figured out that Florida does not have the receivers to stretch the field, which in turns allows them to key more on Tebow. That long pass for a touchdown against Arkansas was not anything Florida was a major mistake by the defensive back who I guess just made the wrong read. Florida has one of the easiest SEC schedules of recent memory, no fault of their own mind you, that's just how it works out from time to time. They will have to prove against a real defense, probably Bama's, that they have more to offer than Tebow left and Tebow right. I will say this though, Tebow has my all time respect because he's the only person I've ever seen who can run play action to himself.......really think about's sick!! What he has done over his career is simply amazing.....but next time he starts yelling and getting in people's grilles, look at their faces. It's falling on deaf ears.....ever wonder if they get tired of getting no publicity because it all goes to Tebow? Yes, that's very possible, just because they're great athletes does not mean they're not human.

Auburn: I got suckered in my Chizik. I still think he was a much better hire than originally thought. I just think that Malzahn runs a "gimmick" offense and those simply do not work over the course of a season. Think about it, I've always said that football does not change. What worked 20 years ago still works today. That would be the fact that you still have to block and tackle in order to be successful. An offense like that is being run to hide the fact that the athletes are not at the Plains right now. That's an indictment on Tuberville, not Chizik. What Tuberville left behind should be criminal......75 scholarship players on the roster with no probation!! Are you kidding me??? And now that the SEC passed a rule that you can only sign 28 per year, I'm not sure how long it will take them to reach a full 85. A disciplined defense that knows their assignments and makes their reads will have no problem handling the Malzahn offense. They can send a 100 people in motion but it doesn't matter. If you play a disciplined defense, that makes their reads, the trickery no longer matters and then it comes down to who has the better athletes that can block and tackle. It's really not that hard. It's basic football.

Bama: Where do I start? Honestly, I'm loving the 7-0 start, but every game has been so boring b/c none of them besides Va Tech have been close. Please don't take that as typical "arrogant Bama" fan. I'm upset b/c we have 5 regular season games left and it's been 6 weeks since one has been interesting. I truly believe that their defense is appallingly good. I mean, they've made every QB they've played look like a middle school QB. Ryan Mallett had his worst game of his career, b/c he had no idea what Bama was doing. Gary Danielson said last year that, after studying Bama's film, they are the only defense he's seen where you cannot get a presnap read on what's coming. If you're a QB, and you're supposed to get rid of the ball in 3 seconds, the presnap read is slightly important. Every Bama defense gets compared to the '92 defense and I'll say this one is just as good. I'll give you an analogy......remember the old Tecmo Bowl on the original Nintendo? Remember that if you chose the same play that the offense chose, how the D would swarm and there was no way to gain a yard? That's Bama's D. Any running play or pass completed gets swarmed like people at Mardi Gras going after moonpies. I really think, that because of the D, they will always have a legit shot at winning, no matter who they play.
GMAC.....guilty of reading his own press clippings. I know this for a fact b/c I know someone who rooms with him. He's not a bad guy, but he has the Tony Romo syndrome. Went from absolute abscurity to absolute rockstar over night. That's alot for a 21 year old to handle. The good news for Bama fans, my "source" saw him this past Sunday at a cookout and said that GMAC was definitely more humble than usual. Don't know if that came from Saban or South Carolina, but look for him to rebound soon.
Mark Ingram is a beast. He runs harder than anyone I've seen in a long time, and what he lacks in speed and moves, he makes up for in heart. I hate all the Heisman talk. Who needs a Heisman when you could play for a title? The kid is special.
Rolo will be gone after this year....big shocker right? Julio will be gone after next year as will Ingram. Javy will be a first day draft pick and have a great NFL career. Think about how valuable he is to an NFL team. He can play corner, and is about to break the alltime NCAA record for punt return yards. Instead of a team having to make a spot for a punt returner on their Sunday roster, they can use have Javy as a corner and punt returner, which frees up an extra spot for an Olineman or what have you.

Predictions: The Hat gets fired or moves on from LSU, Chizik has a very good year in '10, Bama wins the NC either this year or next. If I HAD to pick today, I say Florida 21 Bama 17 in the SEC title game this year. I just hope USC gets to play UF or Bama and gets a taste of what real football is all about.

Roll Tide.


***Very impressed with the Huntingdon football team. I played D-3 football, and it's much tougher than most probably think. What they've done in such a short time is really impressive. Whoever their coach is is pretty darn good.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Time For Politics Is Over....

Famous words of our fearless leader tonight. Funny hearing that from someone who plays politics better than anyone. Example, when the cap and trade bill was being voted on in the House, Hussein and his cronies were burning the phone lines up, adding new addendums to the bill to get other politicians things they wanted so they would vote in favor of it. Hussein never misses an opportunity to remind us for the 1,000th time that "his administration inherited this deficit." He never misses an opportunity to say,"my spending plan costs less than what we've spent in Iraq and Afghanistan." Your right President Douchebag, and you didn't have to deal with 4 hijacked airliners backing you in to a corner to do something either, did you? And you poor thing, you're daddy left your mother when you were a little kid. Welcome to the club of 50% of all marriages that end in divorce. Yeah, you're really on our side....trying to ramrod healthcare reform down our throats b/c...."the American people want it." No, the people you pander to want a handout. There is something in this country called public know, the students you addressed yesterday. You told them not to quit on their education no matter what life may deal them in terms of hardships. Yet, you want to bail out some of the parents of those same students. You know my solution to all of America's those dragging us down, to those who are a burden on the taxpaying Americans, to those who cause our insurance rates to go up.......GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET A JOB!!!! I see 50 mexican-americans (gotta be PC) everyday in my neighborhood building houses. And I'm positive they're all here legally.....I'm sure of it. Take back your country and take those jobs from those illegals living off the hardwork of honest Americans. I GET MY BUTT OUT OF BED EVERDAY AND GO TO WORK MAKING AN HONEST LIVING!!!!! WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO SUPPORT, OR HAVE MY COUNTRY MAKE WIDESWEEPING CHANGES TO SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE TOO SORRY TO GET OVER THEMSELVES, PULL THEMSELVES UP BY THEIR BOOTSTRAPS, AND GO FIND A WAY TO MAKE SOMETHING OF THEMSELVES?????? I get subjected to the doctrine of fairness everyday in the "unbiased" media. You wanna talk fair???? I'll work hard so you can go to the emergency room for a hangnail, for free b/c you're uninsured, and eventually pay higher insurance rates because of it. WOW, that's really fair. And yes, I know, that's where big brother steps in. They want to offer affordable insurance to those less fortunate. To those who didn't take it upon themselves to get an education. You're going to make it so affordable, that private companies will have no choice but to switch to the gov't option and we can all be controlled by Hussein and his Marxist cronies. Mark my words, if my company EVER switches, I will pay for my own insurance out of pocket. I REFUSE TO LET HUSSEIN HAVE ANY SAY SO IN MY LIFE!!! I've never depended on the gov't before and I'm not about to start now!!! One last thing to the George Clooney's, Sean Penn's and Drew Barrymore's of the world, that our media loves to portray as political experts......WHY THE HELL SHOULD I CARE WHAT SOMEONE WHO MAKES MILLIONS OFF OF PLAYING MAKE BELIEVE FOR A LIVING, HAVE TO SAY ABOUT POLITICS? You play dressup for a're no smarter than I am.......losers! I absolutely hate the direction of this country, and if things don't change, you can find me, my wife, and my two boys laying on a beach in the Bahamas. At least down there no one cares enough to interfere with my life.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Once upon a time...a history lesson

Once upon a time, there was a marvelous, almost fairytale land called the United States of America. It was a land full of, money, SUV's, Lexus', BMW's, Range Rovers and million dollar mansions on the hill. Everything was so good in the land of the USA that it's citizens had not a worry in the world. This land was built on the backs of ancestors that picked crops that stretched half a mile wide.....these people knew no luxuries. However, they sacrificed for the good of those who would come after them. Over time, many evil monsters tried to harm this beautiful land, but brave teenagers died in war against these monsters so that this land would be preserved for future generations.

A time of "peace" came about this land where the riches and luxuries of life were flowing like the "salmon of Capastrano". Unfortunately, the people of this great land became comfortable and forgot what had taken place to create such a wonderful land. People were free to worship, speak, play and create their own businesses. These people were free to do whatever their creative minds led them to do, as long as obeyed some simple laws of the land. Little did they know, however, that an invisible monster was creeping upon them to trick them in to a false sense of security. They had it so easy for so long, that surely the rest of the world must be like one from within would ever try to destroy the heaven they enjoyed!

The invisible monster that was silently attacking this great land came under the guise of fairness, love, nothing was a wrong or a sin. This created some tension between those who sensed something wrong and those who did not. All of the sudden, those who wanted things to stay the way they used to be, were called hatemongers....intolerant, cruel people. So they caved in. This was a small fight, mind you. The majority of the people of this great land slept, "knowing" that nothing bad could ever happen to them. They slept, and they slept, and they slept, all the while never knowing that a great storm called Progressivism was bearing down upon their shores. This storm, created by the silent monster, hit this land like a raging tornado. The citizens awoke one day to see that everything was different. Everything had changed. "What happened? Who are these people we've never seen before? Why are so many of our fellow countrymen following them? Where did we go wrong?"

As the confused citizens pondered these questions, the "old" dying generation, the ones who built this great land, just sat back and said,"We tried to warn them. But we couldn't find many who would listen. They were all asleep. They were all comfortable."

And years later, EVERYONE in the land lived sadly everafter wondering what the hell happened.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Be A Man!!

Up late again, so why not write. I've had some friends who don't really know me make fun of my blogs. I say, if you don't like it.......don't read it.

I'm gonna be straight to the point. This is directed to my married male friends only, and myself.. Again, if you don't like it, delete and move on.

I had some really good conversations with some friends today. What I learned is that alot of us guys have the same struggles. Let's call a spade a spade....we all think in some shape or form that our women are crazy! I know that crosses my mind from time to time. BUT, what are we doing to help our cause?

My new hobby is cooking. I freaking love it! Do you wait on your wife to cook? If you don't like what she cooks, get in there and cook for yourself. Your hands aren't broken!! I see the stats about divorce in this country, and normally it comes down to the scoreboard on the wall and men not doing their duty. It really pisses me off! We're raising young men in single families and then we bitch about not having real leaders, and how "this generation will never be like the old ones." I'm by no means a perfect husband or father, but I'll do the dishes from time to time. I hate chores, but I do them to make my Mrs. happy! We're all guilty of wishing our wives would not change and not care about the little things........dishes, laundry, whatever. But if it makes her happy, then pitch in. It is our job to control our marriage and the future of our families. If you don't believe me, crack open the Bible when you get a chance.

The family unit is a joke these days, but I for one refuse for my 2 boys to live in a house seperated from "daddy." I'm a normal guy and my wife drives me nuts sometimes. But I can't live without her. I'm gonna do the things that make her happy. A real man doesn't wear affliction t-shirts, he takes care of his family. So next time you're griping about your spouse, look yourself in the mirror and make sure you're doing all you can do. BE A REAL MAN!!

Sorry for the tangent, but I saw something on tv that got me going and I had to vent and unload. Man's a player.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Before Life Happened....

Hello all....haven't written in a while b/c life has been busy, and I wanted to turn my mind off. All I really care about right now is football, football I'm shaking like an alcoholic going thru detox waiting on the season to start!
This blog is a message of encouragement. I've been told that I'm one of the few people with the kuhonaes to say stuff.....and I will in this blog. I'm really hoping to help someone with my thoughts in this blog. CLARIFICATION: I' M NOT MAKING FUN OR JUDGING ANYONE WITH WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY!! Just think about it.

Where were you before life happened. For me, life happened at age 11. I am not going to rehash all the trials of my life, but LIFE happened for me at age 11. From that sad day forward, I grew up in a single parent home. There were many days in highschool that I woke up alone, got myself ready, and got to school on time. My mom did what she had to do, and that meant alot of time alone for me.....alot of time to find the seedier side of life. In highschool all I cared about was sports and a girlfriend. Once college hit, I was going thru the hardest time in my life and I decided to drink my problems away. How dumb was I?? The drinking only created more "problems." Now I'm 33 and the everyday trials of life still get to me. I deal with work, kids, work,, kids, get my point. My children are the greatest blessings I've ever had. They've taught me humility, compassion, and have taught me how to laugh at myself.

I'm in the middle of a transformation......have decided to take control of my life and stop wishing time away. That's where the encouragement comes in. A buddy from highschool recently told me that, after looking at my facebook pics, that I look more like a defensive end than a defensive back (which is what i played in highschool and college). I thought to me myself," that's funny......but he's gotta point." In the last few weeks I've taken over the reigns of my life. No longer will I be satisfied just going to work everyday. I've been dieting and going to the gym on a regular basis. That may seem like nothing, but I'm taking my life back over!!!! Life me down just like anyone else, but I've decided to do something about it! We only live once on this Earth, and I've dedicated myself to living everyday to the fullest!! My wife doesn't know this yet, but I am going on a tornado chasing vaction very soon. I'going to pursue my intersests and not let life pass me by I'm going to exploit every talent and interst I have!!

This is the encouragement part.......I'm notorious for thinking I'm the only one going thru crap. But I've learned, thanks to some good friends, that I'm not the only one! And you know what?? I'm going to live life to the fullest!! We all have our trials, but it's up to us to do something about it.

The next time life beats you down, CHOOSE to make your situation better!! Happiness is a choice!! Just remember, you're still young, and no matter what your responsibilities are.....communicate with your spouse, get out there and get a hobby......but most importantly, communicate with yourself. It will make you a better person, spouse, and better mother/father. Hope this helps.....we're all in this together.


Monday, August 3, 2009

They're watching

How is everyone? Haven't written in a while, but have been very busy and in a bad mood. Anyway, this one is a little sentimental, but all you parents out there should be able to identify with this.

In the past few weeks, life in the Reece household has been hectic. Long hours at work, two small children, traveling, company, etc. has started to wear us down. When I get stressed and tired, my "guard" around my children inadvertantly comes down. A curse word from time to time will fly and then I feel bad about it. One of the worst days of recent memory was when my 4 year old dropped the "D word" in front of me when he spilled chocolate milk. My heart broke immediately. Here my innocent child was repeating something he heard me say when I was having a bad day. I explained to him that daddy was wrong to say it, and that those words are not to be said. Thankfully, he hasn't said it since.

The hard part about being a parent, in my opinion, is trying to teach your kids to avoid the mistakes that we've all made as adults. My cursing in front of my child is a good example. I also believe that parts of us feel like we need to raise our kids the same way our parents raised us....some subconcious pressure if you will. I'm not preaching, just sharing some things I've noticed.

Our kids are watching EVERY MOVE WE MAKE! This really hit home with me yesterday. I've known for a long time that my 4 year old watches us. He can talk, cracks the same jokes, imitates us. His favorite thing is to help me cook by cracking eggs on the side of the pan when I'm making him breakfast. However, I assumed my 1 year old is this clueless little person who has no concept of life. How could a baby who can't talk or walk have any idea what's going on? Well, this weekend, my kid taught me more than I've taught him.

My baby and I were taking a shower together.....mainly to see how he would react to water in his face. Also, we were in a time crunch and it was convenient. While I'm holding him, my baby grabbed my wife's razor (i took the blade off), and proceded to play with it. Within 15 seconds, he was holding the razor to my face and pretending to shave me. Now I would like to think he's a genius, but in all reality, he's a child learning from watching. He also takes the hairbrush and puts it up to his head everytime he gets it. I was shocked the first time I saw him do it!! However, I always joke that if a dog can learn, surely a baby can. I guess I never really believed what I was saying. I do now.

Today I had the privilage to spend the day with a well known radio personality. I was there for the experience, but also to see if it's something I could do.....something I've always wanted to do. As I drove home for 2 hours, my mind was spinning about how I could do it, and what I would do if I had my own show. When I got home, I was brought back down to Earth immediately. I went to the bedroom to talk to my 4 year old and he said,"daddy, were you in the car?" I said,"yes, why?" He said,"your ears are cold." He knows that I love the AC on high in my car, and that my big ears are always cold after I get out of the car. Why would he know that?? Because our kids notice EVERYTHING!!

We all have our own opinions on morals, ethics, religion, etc.. And, it's very easy to let some things slide.....things that we, including myself, wouldn't want our kids to do or see. We often think, they don't really know what's going on. Well, I'm convinced they do. My 1 year old knows where a razor and hairbrush go, and my 4 year old can tell when I've been in the car because my ears are cold.

I'm not preaching to anyone.....I'm really talking to myself as I write this. Just consider the example you're setting for your children. I can think of many areas I need to improve on. Just remember.......they're watching.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some silly jokes....

Just felt like sharing some really silly, and not so funny, jokes. Here ya go:

What do you get when you cross Barack Obama with an elephant?
A really bad president.

This one is long but worth the read:
A man was really attached to his wallet, but it was breaking and he knew he needed a new one.
He came across a shop called "New Concepts Wallets and Purses". He decided to give it a shot. When he walked in, he noticed a bunch of mason jars with old foreskins soaked in fermaldahide (sp?). He asked the store owner, "what's up with all the foreskin?" The owner told him that he had been taking donations for years and that he made wallets out of them. Skeptical, the man asked the owner what kind of quality they were. The owner said,"highest quality around. You'd be shocked at how durable foreskin is." So the man decided to give it a try. He told the owner,"make me the best wallet you can....but if I don't like it I'm not paying for it." The owner agreed. Two weeks later, the man returned to pick up his new foreskin wallet. When he looked at it, he was impressed at the craftsmanship and couldn't really tell it was made out of foreskin. He agreed to buy, and then the owner told him it would be $300 dollars. The man was stunned...."why should I pay $300 for a wallet made out of old foreskin?" The owner said,"well, because it's more than just a wallet. If you rub it really hard it turns into a suitcase!"

Tasteless I know, but you must admit that's pretty funny...I don't care who you are.

Have a good night!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Aint it funny?

I'm the world's worst nightowl and thankfully there is medicine for people like me. My biggest medicine is youtube. Anytime I get nostalgic, I can go to youtube and listen to music that means something to me. And really, all it has to mean is what I'm in the mood for.
I've been fortunate to know many people from all walks of life. I grew up in private school.....but had some of my best times in public school. I've got many facebook friends from back in the day that I wonder if they share the same memories I have. Although I've fried way too many braincells to remember all the details, certain songs take me back to a wonderful time....a time more innocent and fun.
I'm stuck in the 80's when it comes to music. However, I hear songs from the 90's that remind me of my days at Davidson and Mobile Christian. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who gets nostalgic, but if I was, sites like facebook wouldn't exist. We've all moved on with our lives....but next time you hear a song that reminds you of the "good ole days", share it with the rest of us. You know you're guilty of it.......we all do it.

Everytime I hear the country song,"Aint if funny how the melody can bring back the memory....", I'm reminded of my wonderful past and current life. So here's to you Kelly Klop, Jason Black, Farrah Cordell, and so many other people that I have fond memories of. It's what makes memories special.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Smell of the Grass

I spent this last weekend bonding with my father-in-law building a fence at my house. It was hard work, I learned alot, and really enjoyed getting to know him better. As we were finishing last night, something struck me.....something I really miss.....the smell of the grass. Anyone who has ever played football knows what I'm talking about. As the sun is going down in the summer and fall, the grass gets a little wet, and a smell so lovely eminates from the ground.....the smell of football.
There are 5 things in this world that I love. I love God, my wife, my children, parents and sister I may be 33, but every Saturday and Sunday I feel like a little kid again. I get butterflies right before kickoff of the big game. CBS at 2:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday is the best time of the year. There's just something about it.....I really can't put my finger on it.
What I absolutely love about the South, especially Alabama, is that most everyone gets in to football. In a world where most people can't agree on much, one thing most people agree on is the love of football. It's a time to get together with friends and family. Many men test their merit on the grill on gameday. It's a reason for fathers and sons, husbands and wives, best friends from college, to take road trips to tailgate and cheer their team on. And then on Monday morning, everyone talks about what happened. Armchair quarterbacks make their corrections of the coach, and prognosticate the coming weekend's games. Radio shows provide a forum for rival fans to talk smack to each other. All because of the most wonderful game ever (let me say that I LOVE baseball and basketball, it's just that football was my first love.....literally).
I am thankful to be married to a woman who loves football almost as much as I do, because I am liable to watch games from 11am to the Pac-10 games on foxsports around midnight.
I've heard that the sense of smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. Every time I smell the grass, I remember the days when I was playing. The commraderie (sp?), the late nights getting home from a road game, the hot summer practices, and the thrill of a big win. Now, it reminds me of something to look forward to every weekend in the fall. Try to enjoy your Saturdays this fall.....I'll be standing over my grill, going through my pre-game ritual, and cheering on the CRIMSON TIDE!!

Gotta love football,


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Joke for the day

I have to give credit to Jay Leno for this.....thought it was pretty funny.

Definition of Politics:




have a great weekend,


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are you you even care?

Let me first say that what I'm about to write is not meant to attack any one particular person or group of people. But, if you don't share my opinions you are stupid!! (THAT'S A JOKE PEOPLE).
Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a conservative and proud of it. I've been told I have a big heart, and therefore tend to get worked up more than others about certain issues. My main point, however, in writing this is simply some food for thought.
I've been as interested and nostalgic as anyone else lately with all the deaths of celebrities that have occurred. I was and am still a fan of Michael Jackson's music, grew up on Star Search and Johnny Carson, and thought Farrah Fawcett was a hottie! Steve McNair's death has been especially troubling for me because I am a football fanatic and really liked him as a player. BUT, do you realize how much else has been going on? In the last two weeks we've had a climate bill pass the House under our noses, and our President has agreed to reduce our number of nuclear weapons with RUSSIA! Not always our strongest ally.....not exactly a track record of trustworthiness with them. With the state of the world as volatile as it is, we're going to disarm and trust a government that has NEVER been trustworthy???? I digress, anyway alot has been going on. This climate bill had a 300 page addendum added to an already 1,000+ page document under the cover of night......literally. It was submitted at 3am while America slept. And on that Friday when you woke up, all you heard on the news was Michael Jackson. EVEN FOX NEWS covered the Jackson death more than a bill that can increase your expenses by $3,000.00 per year and cost up to an estimated 2.5 million jobs per year. Considering this is "the worst economy since the great depression", they're passing bills that will increase our costs and cut jobs.....but hey, did you hear Jackson may have overdosed?? Did you know McNair was cheating on his wife? WHO GIVES A CRAP!! And guess what...I don't blame the media! They're feeding America what it wants. We have turned in to a country that would rather watch the E channel than keep up with things that will affect us and our children. Media is all about money just like everything else. They will show what generates viewership, which in turn generates money.
No, I'm not a scrooge who sits around watching FOX 24 hours a day and doesn't like to have fun. Most people that know me know I LOVE to have fun. But there are some really big things going on that can affect our future and we're sleeping through it just like we always have.
Finally, like I said, this blog is to make you think. No matter where you stand, are you thinking? Are you paying attention? Are you reading? Are you involved in the Democratic process? If you're not....please don't ever complain about what goes on in Washington. Did you call your Congressman 2 weeks ago regarding the climate bill? Do you know who your congressman is? And seriously, if you're not involved or informed I AM NOT CRITICIZING YOU! Just take a few seconds to decide if you care and if you even want to get involved. That's all.
Thanks for reading and I would love to hear other opinions. I'm going to go take my blood pressure medicine now! (THAT'S A JOKE)

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Turning in to my dad

There was a time in my life where I never thought I would be like my parents. There was no way I would be so "uncool". As a matter of fact, when I had kids I would be the coolest parent on the block. Kids would flock to my house to play at Mr. Reece's house because he was the coolest. Years later, I realize that I am so much like my parents, especially my dad, that it is comical that those thoughts ever crossed my mind. (pretty sure that was a runon sentence). I can remember weekends with my dad where he and I would listen to "oldie goldies" on the radio on Saturday nights. The music was okay, but I wanted to listen to cool stuff like Poison, Whitesnake, Michael Jackson, or any other current group. I always wondered why he listened to such crap! Now, I'm stuck in the '80's when it comes to music. I bought XM radio for the "luxury" of always having an '80's station. I'm sure one day my sons will wonder why I listen to such "crap".
I can remember my dad trying so hard to teach me about money, manners, respect for others, chores.....basically everything I try to drive home to my own kids nowadays. I don't do it to be like my dad, I do it because that's who I am. And you know what.....I wouldn't want to be any other way. I can thank my parents, especially my dad (males always look to their fathers for influence), for shaping my values. I believe they're rock solid. It wasn't always so easy....I rebelled, tried to "explore" other ideas.....but I always came back to my roots. Again, I wouldn't want to be any other kind of man. We're definitely not mirror images of one another, but the foundation was laid long ago when I was clueless it was being done.
I'll leave you with a story. Last week my wife and I took our oldest son on a mini-vacation to the beach. The baby stayed with the grandparents. On our way to the beach, my son came down with a stomach the car in the middle of a 6 hour drive. Not fun to say the least. We arrived in Florida at 2am. I was beat from a long month at work. BUT, my boy was sick. So at 3am I find myself at Walgreens looking for some medicine to help him....along with some extra items added by my wife. My eyes burned from being so tired, but I didn't care. It was my son.....I would lay down my life for him. Going to the store in the middle of the night was nothing. As I drove back to the condo, I was reminded of all the times my dad took care of me in similar ways, and other ways I'm sure I still don't even know about. He never missed a highschool football game....even when it meant he would get home at 4 in the morning. I HOPE I'm turning in to my dad.....because if I am, I think my boys will be okay.
I'll sign off for now, but not before I listen to one of those '80's songs!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

If anyone cares

Okay...I've decided to start a blog so that anyone who wants can read my thoughts on everything from sports to politics. I'm not special, just want to make my voice heard so no one can ever say I didn't try to affect this world in a positive manner. I hope to engage in mature conversation with others who agree or disagree with me. I want to share my thoughts and also learn from others. My hope is that anyone who takes the time to read my blog will be glad they did. Talk to you soon....
