Thursday, September 3, 2009

Once upon a time...a history lesson

Once upon a time, there was a marvelous, almost fairytale land called the United States of America. It was a land full of, money, SUV's, Lexus', BMW's, Range Rovers and million dollar mansions on the hill. Everything was so good in the land of the USA that it's citizens had not a worry in the world. This land was built on the backs of ancestors that picked crops that stretched half a mile wide.....these people knew no luxuries. However, they sacrificed for the good of those who would come after them. Over time, many evil monsters tried to harm this beautiful land, but brave teenagers died in war against these monsters so that this land would be preserved for future generations.

A time of "peace" came about this land where the riches and luxuries of life were flowing like the "salmon of Capastrano". Unfortunately, the people of this great land became comfortable and forgot what had taken place to create such a wonderful land. People were free to worship, speak, play and create their own businesses. These people were free to do whatever their creative minds led them to do, as long as obeyed some simple laws of the land. Little did they know, however, that an invisible monster was creeping upon them to trick them in to a false sense of security. They had it so easy for so long, that surely the rest of the world must be like one from within would ever try to destroy the heaven they enjoyed!

The invisible monster that was silently attacking this great land came under the guise of fairness, love, nothing was a wrong or a sin. This created some tension between those who sensed something wrong and those who did not. All of the sudden, those who wanted things to stay the way they used to be, were called hatemongers....intolerant, cruel people. So they caved in. This was a small fight, mind you. The majority of the people of this great land slept, "knowing" that nothing bad could ever happen to them. They slept, and they slept, and they slept, all the while never knowing that a great storm called Progressivism was bearing down upon their shores. This storm, created by the silent monster, hit this land like a raging tornado. The citizens awoke one day to see that everything was different. Everything had changed. "What happened? Who are these people we've never seen before? Why are so many of our fellow countrymen following them? Where did we go wrong?"

As the confused citizens pondered these questions, the "old" dying generation, the ones who built this great land, just sat back and said,"We tried to warn them. But we couldn't find many who would listen. They were all asleep. They were all comfortable."

And years later, EVERYONE in the land lived sadly everafter wondering what the hell happened.


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