Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Time For Politics Is Over....

Famous words of our fearless leader tonight. Funny hearing that from someone who plays politics better than anyone. Example, when the cap and trade bill was being voted on in the House, Hussein and his cronies were burning the phone lines up, adding new addendums to the bill to get other politicians things they wanted so they would vote in favor of it. Hussein never misses an opportunity to remind us for the 1,000th time that "his administration inherited this deficit." He never misses an opportunity to say,"my spending plan costs less than what we've spent in Iraq and Afghanistan." Your right President Douchebag, and you didn't have to deal with 4 hijacked airliners backing you in to a corner to do something either, did you? And you poor thing, you're daddy left your mother when you were a little kid. Welcome to the club of 50% of all marriages that end in divorce. Yeah, you're really on our side....trying to ramrod healthcare reform down our throats b/c...."the American people want it." No, the people you pander to want a handout. There is something in this country called public know, the students you addressed yesterday. You told them not to quit on their education no matter what life may deal them in terms of hardships. Yet, you want to bail out some of the parents of those same students. You know my solution to all of America's those dragging us down, to those who are a burden on the taxpaying Americans, to those who cause our insurance rates to go up.......GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET A JOB!!!! I see 50 mexican-americans (gotta be PC) everyday in my neighborhood building houses. And I'm positive they're all here legally.....I'm sure of it. Take back your country and take those jobs from those illegals living off the hardwork of honest Americans. I GET MY BUTT OUT OF BED EVERDAY AND GO TO WORK MAKING AN HONEST LIVING!!!!! WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO SUPPORT, OR HAVE MY COUNTRY MAKE WIDESWEEPING CHANGES TO SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE TOO SORRY TO GET OVER THEMSELVES, PULL THEMSELVES UP BY THEIR BOOTSTRAPS, AND GO FIND A WAY TO MAKE SOMETHING OF THEMSELVES?????? I get subjected to the doctrine of fairness everyday in the "unbiased" media. You wanna talk fair???? I'll work hard so you can go to the emergency room for a hangnail, for free b/c you're uninsured, and eventually pay higher insurance rates because of it. WOW, that's really fair. And yes, I know, that's where big brother steps in. They want to offer affordable insurance to those less fortunate. To those who didn't take it upon themselves to get an education. You're going to make it so affordable, that private companies will have no choice but to switch to the gov't option and we can all be controlled by Hussein and his Marxist cronies. Mark my words, if my company EVER switches, I will pay for my own insurance out of pocket. I REFUSE TO LET HUSSEIN HAVE ANY SAY SO IN MY LIFE!!! I've never depended on the gov't before and I'm not about to start now!!! One last thing to the George Clooney's, Sean Penn's and Drew Barrymore's of the world, that our media loves to portray as political experts......WHY THE HELL SHOULD I CARE WHAT SOMEONE WHO MAKES MILLIONS OFF OF PLAYING MAKE BELIEVE FOR A LIVING, HAVE TO SAY ABOUT POLITICS? You play dressup for a're no smarter than I am.......losers! I absolutely hate the direction of this country, and if things don't change, you can find me, my wife, and my two boys laying on a beach in the Bahamas. At least down there no one cares enough to interfere with my life.


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