Monday, October 19, 2009

Let's talk some football

Hello all,
It's been a while since I've written, mainly because I had to "push away from the bar" with some of my "angry conservative" rants for a while. No matter how passionate you may be about something, it's never good to let it consume you. So, since I live by the motto of "everything in moderation", I've taken a break. HOWEVER, college football is just something that I'm incapable of doing in moderation. My wife and I have an agreement that I suffer through all her miserable reality shows.....So You Think You Can Dance, Khloe and Kourtney Take Miami, etc.., and on Saturdays and Sundays, it's football all day baby!!

So here are my thoughts about the state of college football. Now remember, I am an insane Bama fan, but I try my best to be objective and look at things how they are and not how I wish they were.

Florida: I still contend that until someone beats them, they are the best team out there. They have shown this year to be human, yes even Superman, cram him down our throats, way awkward sideline moments with head coach, Tim Tebow is human. That concussion was nasty!! When I played football I had 2 concussions that I know of, and they were nowhere near as bad as the one Tebow had. I sat out 2 weeks before I could even dream of hitting someone. I believe that technically, Tebow was okay to play. However, we all know that Meyer's bread and butter is Tebow, and I think he really gambled by putting Superman on the field against LSU. Anyway, I always thought that as long as Superman was there, and the fact that they had a stable of supersonic fast people, that Florida had the makings of one of the best teams of all time. I believe I was wrong. Defensive coordinators have figured out that Florida does not have the receivers to stretch the field, which in turns allows them to key more on Tebow. That long pass for a touchdown against Arkansas was not anything Florida was a major mistake by the defensive back who I guess just made the wrong read. Florida has one of the easiest SEC schedules of recent memory, no fault of their own mind you, that's just how it works out from time to time. They will have to prove against a real defense, probably Bama's, that they have more to offer than Tebow left and Tebow right. I will say this though, Tebow has my all time respect because he's the only person I've ever seen who can run play action to himself.......really think about's sick!! What he has done over his career is simply amazing.....but next time he starts yelling and getting in people's grilles, look at their faces. It's falling on deaf ears.....ever wonder if they get tired of getting no publicity because it all goes to Tebow? Yes, that's very possible, just because they're great athletes does not mean they're not human.

Auburn: I got suckered in my Chizik. I still think he was a much better hire than originally thought. I just think that Malzahn runs a "gimmick" offense and those simply do not work over the course of a season. Think about it, I've always said that football does not change. What worked 20 years ago still works today. That would be the fact that you still have to block and tackle in order to be successful. An offense like that is being run to hide the fact that the athletes are not at the Plains right now. That's an indictment on Tuberville, not Chizik. What Tuberville left behind should be criminal......75 scholarship players on the roster with no probation!! Are you kidding me??? And now that the SEC passed a rule that you can only sign 28 per year, I'm not sure how long it will take them to reach a full 85. A disciplined defense that knows their assignments and makes their reads will have no problem handling the Malzahn offense. They can send a 100 people in motion but it doesn't matter. If you play a disciplined defense, that makes their reads, the trickery no longer matters and then it comes down to who has the better athletes that can block and tackle. It's really not that hard. It's basic football.

Bama: Where do I start? Honestly, I'm loving the 7-0 start, but every game has been so boring b/c none of them besides Va Tech have been close. Please don't take that as typical "arrogant Bama" fan. I'm upset b/c we have 5 regular season games left and it's been 6 weeks since one has been interesting. I truly believe that their defense is appallingly good. I mean, they've made every QB they've played look like a middle school QB. Ryan Mallett had his worst game of his career, b/c he had no idea what Bama was doing. Gary Danielson said last year that, after studying Bama's film, they are the only defense he's seen where you cannot get a presnap read on what's coming. If you're a QB, and you're supposed to get rid of the ball in 3 seconds, the presnap read is slightly important. Every Bama defense gets compared to the '92 defense and I'll say this one is just as good. I'll give you an analogy......remember the old Tecmo Bowl on the original Nintendo? Remember that if you chose the same play that the offense chose, how the D would swarm and there was no way to gain a yard? That's Bama's D. Any running play or pass completed gets swarmed like people at Mardi Gras going after moonpies. I really think, that because of the D, they will always have a legit shot at winning, no matter who they play.
GMAC.....guilty of reading his own press clippings. I know this for a fact b/c I know someone who rooms with him. He's not a bad guy, but he has the Tony Romo syndrome. Went from absolute abscurity to absolute rockstar over night. That's alot for a 21 year old to handle. The good news for Bama fans, my "source" saw him this past Sunday at a cookout and said that GMAC was definitely more humble than usual. Don't know if that came from Saban or South Carolina, but look for him to rebound soon.
Mark Ingram is a beast. He runs harder than anyone I've seen in a long time, and what he lacks in speed and moves, he makes up for in heart. I hate all the Heisman talk. Who needs a Heisman when you could play for a title? The kid is special.
Rolo will be gone after this year....big shocker right? Julio will be gone after next year as will Ingram. Javy will be a first day draft pick and have a great NFL career. Think about how valuable he is to an NFL team. He can play corner, and is about to break the alltime NCAA record for punt return yards. Instead of a team having to make a spot for a punt returner on their Sunday roster, they can use have Javy as a corner and punt returner, which frees up an extra spot for an Olineman or what have you.

Predictions: The Hat gets fired or moves on from LSU, Chizik has a very good year in '10, Bama wins the NC either this year or next. If I HAD to pick today, I say Florida 21 Bama 17 in the SEC title game this year. I just hope USC gets to play UF or Bama and gets a taste of what real football is all about.

Roll Tide.


***Very impressed with the Huntingdon football team. I played D-3 football, and it's much tougher than most probably think. What they've done in such a short time is really impressive. Whoever their coach is is pretty darn good.

1 comment:

  1. Great read Coach! Glad you finally found a little time to drop some wisdom on us. Would love to hear your playoff solution sometime. Someone's gonna beat Florida this year but they'll still play Bama in the SECCG. What if Florida then wins the SECCG? Can you imagine the confusion?

    I honestly hate seeing what is happening in Tuscaloosa. I can't pinpoint my hate on just one area. It's the coach, the recruiting success, the fanbase, the stadium expansion, the blowout much that I can't stand. I still think Auburn will finish 8-4. We won one game I though we'd lose but lost one I thought we'd win.

    Keep up the good work David!
