Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are you you even care?

Let me first say that what I'm about to write is not meant to attack any one particular person or group of people. But, if you don't share my opinions you are stupid!! (THAT'S A JOKE PEOPLE).
Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a conservative and proud of it. I've been told I have a big heart, and therefore tend to get worked up more than others about certain issues. My main point, however, in writing this is simply some food for thought.
I've been as interested and nostalgic as anyone else lately with all the deaths of celebrities that have occurred. I was and am still a fan of Michael Jackson's music, grew up on Star Search and Johnny Carson, and thought Farrah Fawcett was a hottie! Steve McNair's death has been especially troubling for me because I am a football fanatic and really liked him as a player. BUT, do you realize how much else has been going on? In the last two weeks we've had a climate bill pass the House under our noses, and our President has agreed to reduce our number of nuclear weapons with RUSSIA! Not always our strongest ally.....not exactly a track record of trustworthiness with them. With the state of the world as volatile as it is, we're going to disarm and trust a government that has NEVER been trustworthy???? I digress, anyway alot has been going on. This climate bill had a 300 page addendum added to an already 1,000+ page document under the cover of night......literally. It was submitted at 3am while America slept. And on that Friday when you woke up, all you heard on the news was Michael Jackson. EVEN FOX NEWS covered the Jackson death more than a bill that can increase your expenses by $3,000.00 per year and cost up to an estimated 2.5 million jobs per year. Considering this is "the worst economy since the great depression", they're passing bills that will increase our costs and cut jobs.....but hey, did you hear Jackson may have overdosed?? Did you know McNair was cheating on his wife? WHO GIVES A CRAP!! And guess what...I don't blame the media! They're feeding America what it wants. We have turned in to a country that would rather watch the E channel than keep up with things that will affect us and our children. Media is all about money just like everything else. They will show what generates viewership, which in turn generates money.
No, I'm not a scrooge who sits around watching FOX 24 hours a day and doesn't like to have fun. Most people that know me know I LOVE to have fun. But there are some really big things going on that can affect our future and we're sleeping through it just like we always have.
Finally, like I said, this blog is to make you think. No matter where you stand, are you thinking? Are you paying attention? Are you reading? Are you involved in the Democratic process? If you're not....please don't ever complain about what goes on in Washington. Did you call your Congressman 2 weeks ago regarding the climate bill? Do you know who your congressman is? And seriously, if you're not involved or informed I AM NOT CRITICIZING YOU! Just take a few seconds to decide if you care and if you even want to get involved. That's all.
Thanks for reading and I would love to hear other opinions. I'm going to go take my blood pressure medicine now! (THAT'S A JOKE)

Have a great weekend!



  1. david, i'm really enjoying your blog, and you ARE making me think! keep up the good work! april

  2. It's glad to know there are some of us out there that care about where our country is heading. What our generation will leave behind for our children/grandchildren.

    Media is the primary culprit in the fleecing of America. Granted, our interests drive the media, it's all about ratings. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

    Thanks for paying attention David.
