Monday, November 23, 2009


I write this somewhat in response to my last blog. I've had some people worried about me because of what I wrote over the weekend. To settle this issue, I'm fine.

I decided, however, to write a positive blog this week.

You never know how you treat people will come back to help you, or haunt you for that matter.
I have a friend who I haven't seen in 15 years, however he recently vouched for me. You know who you are by the way. To my knowledge I never did anything special for this person, besides being myself and being a good friend. However, now this friend may turn out to be someone who helps me improve my family situation immensely. Again, to my knowledge, I never did anything special for this person, but he vouched for me and spoke highly of me. It got me to thinking about how we treat people everyday. What may be small to you may be huge to someone else. I've decided to continue to trust others and treat others as I would have them treat me. The Golden Rule if you will.

To my friend, I want to say thank you. Not only have you helped me out in several ways, but you also renewed my faith in others. Thank you.

Just remember folks, God puts people in our lives for a reason. We should always be mindful of how we treat others.

Roll Tide and How Bout Them Cowboys!!!


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