Thursday, August 20, 2009

Be A Man!!

Up late again, so why not write. I've had some friends who don't really know me make fun of my blogs. I say, if you don't like it.......don't read it.

I'm gonna be straight to the point. This is directed to my married male friends only, and myself.. Again, if you don't like it, delete and move on.

I had some really good conversations with some friends today. What I learned is that alot of us guys have the same struggles. Let's call a spade a spade....we all think in some shape or form that our women are crazy! I know that crosses my mind from time to time. BUT, what are we doing to help our cause?

My new hobby is cooking. I freaking love it! Do you wait on your wife to cook? If you don't like what she cooks, get in there and cook for yourself. Your hands aren't broken!! I see the stats about divorce in this country, and normally it comes down to the scoreboard on the wall and men not doing their duty. It really pisses me off! We're raising young men in single families and then we bitch about not having real leaders, and how "this generation will never be like the old ones." I'm by no means a perfect husband or father, but I'll do the dishes from time to time. I hate chores, but I do them to make my Mrs. happy! We're all guilty of wishing our wives would not change and not care about the little things........dishes, laundry, whatever. But if it makes her happy, then pitch in. It is our job to control our marriage and the future of our families. If you don't believe me, crack open the Bible when you get a chance.

The family unit is a joke these days, but I for one refuse for my 2 boys to live in a house seperated from "daddy." I'm a normal guy and my wife drives me nuts sometimes. But I can't live without her. I'm gonna do the things that make her happy. A real man doesn't wear affliction t-shirts, he takes care of his family. So next time you're griping about your spouse, look yourself in the mirror and make sure you're doing all you can do. BE A REAL MAN!!

Sorry for the tangent, but I saw something on tv that got me going and I had to vent and unload. Man's a player.


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