Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Dare You?


Hello all! So what happens when a man doesn't have to work, took way too long of a nap and hence can't sleep? I start writing.

As I've said before, I write these blogs not to be self indulgent, but to hopefully be a source of inspiration to others. I know that alot of people feel the same things I do, but for whatever reason, I'm brash enough to feel like sharing my thoughts with others.

So, my burn today has to do with the corner of Whitesburg Drive and Airport Road. From time to time I see this corner littered with protestors of the war in Iraq. That's fine. I support anyone's right to protest. But I also support MY RIGHT to disagree with those people.

Full disclosure, I'm not a big supporter of the war. BUT, I support those troops over there that put their life on the line every day so that people like me can write a blog and rant and rave.

One sign I saw recently said that "Jesus is a pacifist." Really? Really? I mean really? What do you know about that? A pacifist doesn't die on a cross with nails driven through his wrists and ankles and a sword jammed in his side! That's definitely not my definition of a pacifist. You ignorant idiots who are opposed to any type of American aggression are well.......I can't say it because the Bible says I will be in danger of hell fire if I write what I'm really feeling. Newsflash people.....almost 10 years ago, jetliners were flown into the side of the World Trade Center and they, who speak of a religion of peace, were the ones that started this crap. What were we supposed to do? Lay back and take it???? My family knows a man who has served in the war and he claims that we need to "liberate" about 5 more countries. The Iraqi people, as a whole, are glad for what we have done. The bought and paid for liberal media doesn't want you to know this. Our economy is in the tank, yes. And of course it's all George Bush's fault. I mean, heck, our President reminds us of that on a daily basis. What was Bush supposed to do? Yes it's been a costly war....many of our friends and family members have suffered because of it. We are the greatest nation on Earth and there's a reason for that! It came from the blood that has been shed over many years to protect our sovereignty and our democracy!! My grandfather served in WWII and Korea. My father served in Desert Storm. My uncle served in Vietnam. My stepbrother served in Kosovo. My other stepbrother and my cousin is in the Middle East as I type this. So does it hit close to home? Of course it does. I know a man that was burned by jet fuel on September 11th and that has obviously altered his life forever. I wonder how he feels? Were we not supposed to do anything?????

So back to that streetcorner........across the street from the "Jesus is a pacifist" crowd are signs of family members and loved ones who have died in this war. THEY DIED SO THAT THOSE OTHER IDIOTS CAN PROTEST!!!!! I mean, why is this so hard for some to understand???? If you want our country to turn in to a bunch of whiny wussies and not defend itself than so be it. If you want crooks like Nancy Pelosi to redistribute the money that you get out of bed every morning to work hard for, then so be it. But don't expect this man to sit quietly by while you destroy the greatest nation on Earth. When you protestors sleep in your warm king sized beds tonight, just remember that the ONLY reason you do that is because a nameless man or woman died for your rights years ago.

Confession.....the last time I saw these people I rolled down my window and yelled at them. Yes, I'm the angry American who is sick and tired of the bullcrap that is happening to this country. Courtney told me to calm down.......the boys were listening. Darn right they're listening......and I want them to see their father stand up for what is right!! Am I mad? Heck yeah I am. And there needs to be alot more people mad as well. If we don't stand up and take back what is ours, we have no right to complain when things go bad.

Thanks for reading.


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