Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Pacifier

Hello All,
Been a while since I've dished out my "pearls of wisdom", but haven't felt inspired until today. Those who read this obviously know me. You probably know me as the laid back guy who loves to have a good time. There is, however, a side to me that possesses a hot temper and gets frustrated very easily. Today, I was having one of those moments, until I was humbled.....or rather, inspired.

One more thing......when I write these blogs, I'm speaking to myself as much as I am to anyone please never think that I think I have all the answers. I just realize that we all encounter similar struggles and I like to pass along thoughts that I think will help my friends.

So today I was in the middle of one of my hot temper moments. The day started out pretty hectic. I rushed out the door at 7:30 to get the boys to school. I had to be an hour south of Huntsville and then an hour and a half north of Huntsville by 12pm. Not stressful at all!!!! Yeah right. When I got to the first destination, I discovered some pretty shotty work from one of my co-workers. That was the main reason I was gladhand and clean up someone elses mess. I just wasn't prepared for the mess I discovered. When I discovered the problem, I saw red. I mean, I've worked my tail off to build up a good business and I'll be darned if I allow someone else to screw it up for me. I was livid......ready to lay in to my co-worker as soon as I could get to my phone. I mean, words cannot express how ticked off I was. Then, I was humbled.

I was in what amounts to a closet at a hospital and was sweating.....I can sweat in a snowstorm by the way. They probably had the thermostat on 68......anyway. I reached in to my pocket for a pen to write down some information. What I found was not a pen. I found my 18 month old's pacifier. I had put it my pocket when I dropped him off at school earlier this morning. I forgot that it was in there. I immediately melted. I stopped and wondered how he was doing.....he was probably on the playground. I thought for a split second how I would give anything to be with him and not be where I was. It brought a smile to my face......changed my mood immediately. I realized at that moment that my job is just that......a job. My real duty is to be a good father. I wasn't in danger of losing an important mind was the only one telling me that. I saw everyone in that department and they were just happy I got to the hospital so early. As I left the hospital (still sweating dadgummit!), I just thought about little Anderson. I thought how funny he he's the biggest pill I've ever met and yet it's still funny. I mean the boy has everyone at daycare fooled. They all rave over how laid back he is and how he's the best boy in the class. I just laugh thinking to myself,"yeah, you don't live with him." He can be an absolute monster.....but he's my monster....anyway, I digress.

My point is this: we're all too busy and too uptight at times. When I felt that pacifier in my pocket, I literally got butterflies for a second. I don't care if I need to turn in my mancard for saying that. Just the feel of the pacifier gave me butterflies and reminded me of what is really important in life. When I got home tonight, he sat in my lap while I blew bubbles for him. He loved it......then turned, crawled up on me and snuggled his head on my shoulder. That "oh so important" account was the last thing on my mind. I just quietly thanked God for my little boy. Everyday I realize how much my boys teach me versus what I teach them. Kids are the greatest gift God could ever give.

So next time you're stressed out like I was (and I'm not saying work stress is not important), one thing that may make you smile is to think of those you love. You think my boys would care if I lost an account?? They just want me to watch Mickey Mouse with them or wrestle or play Star Wars. I'm gonna try to do a better job of keeping life in perspective.

Thanks for listening.....hope it helps someone.


1 comment:

  1. David, your posts are excellent!! I really enjoy reading them and they hit pretty close to home. I guess great minds do think alike!!
